Thursday, 14 June 2012

Capital Punishment - Barbaric or Appropriate?

There was a time when capital punishment was the accepted form of punishment in relation to a multitude of crimes. An alternate punishment was not open to discussion because the death penalty was the method considered most responsible for providing a deterrent for others who may have considered similar crimes.
However, over the last several decades most European countries have left capital punishment behind. Today these countries and many others embrace a punishment that includes life behind bars, but does not subject violent criminals to the death penalty. In North America it is Canada and Mexico that have moved away from capital punishment while America remains tied to a state determined form of the death penalty.
Many Asian and Arab countries also hold onto the idea that the death penalty can be useful as a punishment against crimes such as murder. In America there remains strong support for the death penalty. The truth is while there is considerable support for capital punishment there is also a widening gap among those who would like to see exceptions made under certain circumstances while others resist any exceptions.
One compelling argument stems from the idea that justice can't always be served if the convicted is dead. The premise is essentially that there may likely be individuals who have been subjected to the death penalty that were innocent. If there were some new forensic technology that could prove someone's innocence a few years from now why would we consider the use of the death penalty?
If we look at it purely from the standpoint of other civilized countries we may be inclined to determine that the death penalty is a barbaric form of justice that does not need to be used in the 21st century.
Even among those who espouse Christianity as their religion of choice there is deep division over the use of capital punishment. Some believe the idea is in conflict with a God who is referred to as 'love'. Others view capital punishment as a way to enhance the countries ability to maintain a more civil society. In ancient times capital punishment was often used by new leaders to execute those who had been in opposition to their newly established rule. This was often normal for a new ruler who wanted to be assured the people would respond well to the new reign.
However, in present times the debate over the death penalty centers around the individual who will be put to death for violent crimes. While the issue tends to center around the convicted some would argue that it is the victim that is most often forgotten. It has been said, "The victim had no choice in how they were treated, so why does the convicted seem to receive special treatment?"
Numerous stories are available that follow perpetrators of violent crimes who revisit those offenses when released on parole. Those who are for the death penalty see this as a validation of their argument.
The role of capital punishment as a deterrent finds those who are emotional on either side of the argument. There are those who believe the individual can be rehabilitated while others believe this is a weak form of justice that could lead to deadly consequences in the end.
Discuss Capital Punishment and the Death Penalty at Controversial Forums in our Debate Forums.

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Thursday, 26 April 2012

Mojses The Ten Commandments is support and reliable directive for a man, who wish to live in harmony with divine law. If The Ten Commandments were not important, the God certainly would give us another recommendations (e. g. how to shop in hypermarket, or how to take insurance). By denial of the commandments is the man branching off the source of Life and step by step heads towards spiritual death. It is reasonable not to ignore this advice of God, even if it is distorted often.
1. DO NOT WORSHIP ANY OTHER GODS It´s sure, that by the another God is not meant only some wooden item presenting a sort of deity, but absolutely real idols of our everyday life - wealth, career, well-being, family, power, money and other matters, which have often priority over our God. It goes adrift very easy and enslaves us. Abidance of the first commandment protects man against that slavery.
2. DO NOT MISUSE THE NAME OF GOD The man, who has forgotten his God, originator and life-protector, has for sure forgotten also his own spiritual origin. When the name of God is used as a curse or common phrase, without any respect and love, or the evil is done in his name, we must realize that we have lost the most important thing and our steps are erroneous. By downgrading the name we at the same time downgrade its holder!
3. KEEP THE SABBATH HOLY The third commandment gives the advice to pay attention to spiritual values during the seventh day. If the body without food dies, what then our soul without food for thought? The seventh day enables to review the past week and to learn from it, as the older events are easy forgotten.
4. HONOUR YOUR FATHER AND YOUR MOTHER Third commandment urges people to honour status of motherhood and fatherhood. Only if both mother and father take their mission of upbringing seriously and responsibly, it can bring blessing. Then the children honour their parents naturally, feeling the grandness of their spirit. Alas, many of parents violate this commandment cleaning out their children's inner values which should be irreplaceable support in their life. Therefore they justifiably do not deserve their children's honour.
5. DO NOT MURDER - This word doesn't mean just "do not murder", but also "do not kill" and "do not get down". The man both must not kill and support killing, and also must not get down anyone - it many times brings lots of damage. Parents are not allowed to get down their children's natural talents, because of their different expectations; they also have no right to stop their children from love or friendship. Children also are not allowed to hurt their parent's love not using the opportunities created by their parents.
6. DO NOT COMMIT ADULTERY - A genuine love between two people should be holy for everyone. Woe betides to anybody, who causes disturbance of such a marriage - either because of impure lech after, or rational parent's calculations. But where is not any harmony, there is not anything to disturb. This commandment also determines the marriage, as to be worth to hold this name.
7. DO NOT STEAL Except of material things, the possession of your fellowman is also his reputation, his thoughts and confidence. If anybody usurps something of his intellectual property, or steals somebody from confidence and good reputation, the wrongdoing is even worse than the material harm.
8. DO NOT LIE AND DO NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST YOUR NEIGHBOUR As the people miss any lofty ideals, backbiting became a favourite habit of people disseminating barren information. However, the material attack can be rectified easier than the heartbreak of the soul suffering from the psychical harm. Violation of this commandment confines also dispraiser, decreasing his spiritual growth.
9. DO NOT COVET YOUR NEIGHBOUR'S WIFE This commandment is aimed at unwholesome fleshly desires. Who is not able to keep his thoughts genuine, can use avoidance of buying, looking, haunting - newspapers, films and fleshly desires, which are the result of thoughts.
10. DO NOT COVET YOUR NEIGHBOUR'S HOUSE, NOR ANYTHING THAT IS HIS The envy is the source of badness, dishonour and conniving. The fruit of the envy is the excessive lech after, which became the incentive of majority of our acts. These acts lead to bustle, self-regarding accumulation of property, with detriment to other people, nature, and health and to the very purpose of our earthly life.
Detailed explanation of Ten Commandments can be found in the book "The Ten Commandments" writen by Abd-ru-shin.
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